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Writer's picturecindyMI

OUR STORIES: Way Maker...A Story

Updated: Jan 4, 2020

A Story... So since the summer I have been in the middle of a financially challenging situation that I didn't see coming at all! Instead of selling a piece of property to receive profit off of it, I have had to sit on it for some legalities to be worked out. And in the middle of sitting on it, financial obligations from repairs have mounted.This has been my object lesson of REST since the summer. And just the other day, I got a message of another repair that was needed. I must be honest, as these messages have come I have had to manage the feeling of gripping panic. My mind will first go to..."I can't do this!!!" "Where is this going to come from?!" In this season I have had to practice yet again these wonderful REST truths! And last week was another opportunity. The message came, the thoughts of helplessness and hopelessness came, and then I had to choose...what am I going to think on? Again I remembered, there has no trouble come that is not common to man and God is FAITHFUL!! He makes a way of escape so I can bear it...I can make it to the other side of this! The panic turned into peace as I thought on these things and began to voice my faith instead of my doubt and fear. Is it all over? I am still in the boat crossing over this sea to the other side. And yet...I am seeing His Faithfulness in the midst of it and I am learning His way of peace as the waves hit the boat on this journey of faith...Fixing my eyes and hope on HIM.

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