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Three Incredible Women


There are many women in the Bible who display their unwavering faith in God. Three of whom I present to you here. These ladies are just like us. Human. Humans with flaws. Humans with setbacks. Humans with decisions to make. Humans with responsibilities to their family, etc.

One woman we are familiar with was married to a priest and was considered righteous. She was blameless in God’s sight. She had no doubts and believed God. She was honorable, genuine, humble, joyful, mature, and older. She was careful to obey God’s commandments. And she was barren. No doubt she was disappointed, shunned, disgraced, and condemned by society. Yet, she was–probably—a gracious hostess. No doubt people talked behind her back. Perhaps they wondered why God hadn’t given her any children and wondered what sins she must have committed. Doesn’t this sound familiar? Perhaps you know the feeling? Perhaps we need to see people in difficult and unexplainable situations through God’s eyes?

God did answer her (and her husband’s) prayers. She secluded herself from the outside world for 5 months (Luke 1) because God was kind and took away her disgrace. I often like to think about situations like this. Did she want to avoid the same women who shunned her before? Perhaps she wanted to make sure she was pregnant? Was she so beyond words about what the Lord had done and wanted to praise God in her home alone? Perhaps she didn’t think others would understand. What are your thoughts?

This incredible woman was a descendant of Aaron, the priestly tribe. Do you know her? Of course, you do! Her name is Elizabeth. Elisheva in Hebrew. Elizabeth is just like us! His power is made perfect in our weakness!

Elizabeth did the right thing. She was like Abraham: fully convinced that God was able to do anything He promised. And she was faithful to wait on God’s timing. (Something we may or may not have learned in our own lives.) God heard her prayers and knew the desires of her heart. He answered in His timing and in His way. So, we can also be sure God hears us. We just need to be patient with His timing.


The next incredible woman was from a small village, where everyone knew everyone’s business. She may have been a “plain Jane” but knew the God of her forefathers. She was a young teen who may have known Isaiah’s prophecy about the coming Messiah. She would have heard the reading of Torah scriptures while at synagogue but was probably uneducated.

Of course, you know of whom I write. Mary. Miryam in Hebrew.

When she said yes to the angel that day, Mary’s obedience cost her dearly. It was good of her to ask questions. And it’s okay for us to ask questions, too. (And have you noticed, though, the questions of “why” are rarely answered?) Would you have asked other questions than what she did? What would you have done in her sandals? Have you ever had to take a huge risk to obey the Word and to do God’s will like Miryam? I believe as time goes on, in order to be obedient to the Father, we will also be faced with decisions that no doubt will be difficult at the least, and risky and/or deadly at best. But like Esther, we need to be prepared to say, “If I perish, I perish.”

Mary’s relative, Elizabeth, would have been the caretaker of her husband’s priestly garments. When the garments were no longer suited for his duties; Elizabeth probably kept them for another use. So when she found Mary was pregnant with her Savior, I believe she knew what to do with them: make swaddling clothes for her Messiah! After all, Yeshua Jesus is Priest and King.

Mary must have been relieved she had an older mature woman to confide in, to share her fears and thoughts. Having an older woman in our lives also is so helpful! Are there times when you wished you had someone to share your thoughts, dreams, and fears with? Someone who would understand and believe you? Or maybe you already have a mature woman in your life? Or perhaps you are that mature woman?

We need to remember both Elizabeth and Mary are no different than we are, chosen by God for His purpose and timing. Are we living in our God-created purpose? In a dominantly male environment God chooses at times to reveal His greatness through women. Ones we ourselves may not have chosen. I’m so glad Our Father is God and not us!


We know very little about this third incredible woman. She was a prophetess. She was definitely unique. Obviously, the Holy Spirit was at work within her. Remember, she is just like us, having physical ears and spiritual ears. Sometimes we think we hear from the Holy Spirit only to find out we are hearing our own thoughts. But obviously, this beautiful woman knew the Spirit’s voice and was elated one day when He told her the Messiah was in her presence. She then made a public announcement, while in the Temple, thanking God and saying this baby, Yeshua, Jesus, was the fulfillment of God’s promises.

Of course I am speaking of Anna. Hana in Hebrew. She spent most of her life at the Temple. That in itself is incredible. She was obviously a woman of prayer. What a thrill it must have been to finally see what she had prayed for and looked forward to for so many years! We, too, can be assured God answers our prayers! And again, we must wait on God’s timing.

The Holy Spirit will lead us to speak into others’ lives if we are willing to be a vessel He can use. Some need an encouraging word. Some just need a smile. Some need a hug. Others need to hear God is for them and not against them. The Holy Spirit is always talking. Do we have “ears” to hear? Many times I have I have spoken something to a person and I have thought to myself, “Why on earth am I telling this?” (I would find out later it was just what they needed to hear.) We need to put away our doubts and believe we are hearing from our Creator!

Final thoughts.

Hopefully these women have inspired you, not because they are incredible but because they are just like us. Too often we read scripture and tend to skim over familiar stories. With the new year around the corner, let’s pull back the layers of scripture and delve a little deeper into them. Perhaps we will find a deeper meaning to them and find new nuggets to live by. And as we do, let’s go deeper, wider, higher, longer into God’s love for us. As we do, we will be R.E.S.T.E.D.







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