A few years ago, I heard a teaching that really made an impact in my life, The Proverbs 31 Woman. Reading it, however, always made me feel inferior and discouraged. I wondered how in the world I could achieve that list? But I became hopeful when I heard shared that this chapter shows examples of what we can strive towards, NOT a list of achievements. Now, this is good news! It also may be a picture of many types of women, not just one. It is essentially about living a disciplined godly life.
If you are like me when reading this portion of scripture, it’s not always easy to see yourself. So go ahead and read it again (Proverbs 31:10-31). But first, ask the Father what He wants you to learn about yourself. I believe you will be surprised when you see it as a picture of what God considers the life of a godly woman. It’s not about things, it’s about position.
Our moral strength is shown in verse 10, which really means our virtue or character. It’s like the “director” of our life. It’s who we really are when no one is looking. Likewise, verses 10-12 and 30 show our worth and our confidence in having a reverential fear of Father God. Verses 13-14 talk about our work ethic. How willing are we to work at home—or outside the home—with a good attitude no matter what? Being creative to accomplish a task in a different way shows another aspect of work ethic: having ingenuity.
When we put God first before life gets busy, usually by having quiet time with Him, it shows our honor and worship of the Father (verses 15 and 30). It may be a sacrifice of time due to our schedules, but God loves that. Praying for our family, especially our husband, shows who we really rely upon.
Wisdom (verses 16-18) is another virtue of a godly woman. Father God is the source of all wisdom. And as we trust in Him in every area of our lives, He helps us make wise decisions, like making purchases or being good stewards of our finances, receiving instructions from others, and in knowing how to take care of ourselves physically.
Generosity is part of living a godly life (verses 19-25). One way is in sharing our life skills with others, as well as looking for other ways to be generous. Another principle is appreciating what we have and valuing others in our life, especially showing love to our family.
Wise spoken words (verses 26-27) show others that we control our tongue and respect them. We can also demonstrate that we love being a woman, whether we are single, a wife, a mom, a grandmother, a niece, or an aunt. And it shows that we live at peace with the Father.
Our witness (verses 28-31) is what others see in our personal life, which is part of our virtue. Are we sharing what Jesus has done for us? Do we live a life that pleases the Lord, one that draws people to the Lord or pushes others away from Him?
So, in conclusion, do not shy away from gleaning at least one thing from reading Proverbs 31. We need to start where we are. Do not feel inadequate or condemned. It’s all about being the woman God wants us to be. And remember this is a plan from God’s perspective. Thankfully it is not a man’s idea!
Ephesians 3.20: “Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us.” Amen.