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Writer's picturecindyMI

My REST Spot

A tool for REST is creating a place or environment around you that helps you enter into REST. Your REST Spot.

This place can be different for each of us and at the same time there are elements that many of us can relate to in creating a REST Spot. So here are some thoughts about the why, how, and what of this REST Spot.


Having something concrete that we identify as a place of REST helps us focus in these times. It is a place where we can stop, unplug from the world around us, enter into a time of intimate fellowship with God, reflect, listen to the Holy Spirit speak into our hearts, and speak back to Him in prayers and worship.


Gather the items that bring delight to you. Gather the items for a time of reading, reflecting, and listening. Gather the items for worship. Gather items that bring comfort, joy, and pleasure to you. Think of this as a time of being surrounded with beauty, delight, and peace. What helps you close the door on the worries & distractions of the world and focus on Jesus?


Here are 10 ideas:

  1. A favorite place (preferably quiet)

  2. A favorite chair, a blanket, a pillow

  3. A favorite drink (coffee, tea, etc.) in a favorite mug or glass

  4. A journal

  5. A view that you enjoy (could be outside, a picture, a digital picture on your device)

  6. Music playing that soothes you

  7. An instrument you will play in worship

  8. A Bible

  9. Inspirational Readings, quotes, devotional book, etc. Things that inspire your faith.

  10. A candle, a flower

As I think of this place of REST, I think of an inner place as well. It is where I close the door to the clamor and chaos of the world around me. I close my eyes and I begin to quiet my thoughts by thinking on Jesus. I think on His love, His mercy, His greatness, His promise to be with me. And I picture myself being in an inner chamber/room with Him. I close the door to all the other stuff and put my full attention and affections on being with Him. My RESTing Place!

A song that often comes to my memory in these times is...

"I turn my eyes upon Jesus. I look full in His wonderful face.

And the things of earth they grow strangely dim in the Light of His Glory and Grace."

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