Like many of us blog writers this year, I’ve spent a while contemplating what topic to cover for my turn. A lot of things have crossed my mind since the beginning of the month, but sometimes that which is the most fresh is the best choice.
The Church as a whole is told to listen. Heed the voice of the Spirit. Jesus Himself says as much to each part of the Body that He individually addressed in Revelation (Rev 2:7, 11, 17, 29; 3:6, 13, 22) and I’m certain He’s saying it to each and every part of the Body that’s active across this world today.
Seeing as we all individually, person by person, make up the Body of Christ as a whole, it’s equally as important to listen to the Spirit in our individual lives, even when it doesn’t make much sense at the time. We’ve all heard Brother Hagin talk about the multiple times he chose not to leave somewhere on time because of a “feeling” he got. Sometimes he got to see why he’d been told to wait; others he wasn’t. The important part is the hearing, but hearing means very little without the obeying.
Last week (this is in the latter half of June), my 14-month-old nephew had been running a bit of a fever. He’s teething and growing like a weed, and he naturally runs hot. Before 1 in the morning Wednesday, my sister-in-law was led to do something she and my brother rarely did: get her son and bring him into bed with them. My nephew prefers to sleep in his own bed, so of course this was a strange urge to have, but she listened. And she obeyed. She got him, set him between herself and her husband, then she woke him up to watch their boy while she ran to the restroom.
So they both were awake when their son started having a seizure right there between them.
EMTs were called. We all went to the ER. Nine hours and multiple tests later, he’s perfectly healthy. His fever just peaked, mixed with low sodium and too much heat exposure the day before. The seizure wasn’t a bad one, merely induced by excessive heat. The “perfect storm” scenario, if you will.
Imagine if my sister-in-law hadn’t listened. Her son might’ve been okay. He might not have. But because she acted on the Spirit’s urging, all is well. That’s the word Mom and I had while we waited all those hours in the waiting room. All is well.
As the Church, we have the ears to hear, and we hear what the Spirit is saying. In our personal lives, we all have ears to hear, and we listen to what the Spirit is saying to us, and we act on what we have heard. In this last of the last days age, our very lives, or lives around us, may well depend on it.