Barbara has been able to attend three REST Gatherings. She would like to share her testimony of these gatherings:
The REST meetings have been encouraging as well as a time for reflection and reminder of my responsibility and necessity of staying focused on the Word regardless of what is going on (not only hearing but continuing to put into practice what I hear).
Majority of the time, the topics for the meetings are confirmation of scripture I have read or meditated on or need to step it up a notch.

Coming up a notch together!
I would like to encourage you to make room for REST gatherings. The Zoom format can offer a variety of experiences. You can choose to engage by turning on your video and un-muting to say "hi" and join in on discussions or give prayer requests. You can choose to add comments in the "chat" section..another great way to engage. You can choose to engage in the break-out rooms to have a small group share time.
You can also choose to stay in the background. You do not have to join with your video. When we do the break-out rooms, you can choose to leave before these rooms happen. The break-out rooms take place near the end of the gathering time. You can hear the message and engage in the private meditation times that are a hallmark of the REST gatherings and then choose to "leave" the meeting.
Come and draw close to HIS presence. Open your heart to hear HIS heart for you! Enter this time of REST.
Do you have a REST Testimony?? Please send it to us. It is an encouragement to us!
~The REST Ministry Team...